Salem County Vocational Technical Schools » Full Business Listing
Salem County Vocational Technical Schools
Contact: Bonnie M. BakerBiographical Info
The Salem County Career and Technical High School District in Woodstown, New Jersey, is designed to provide career and technical education programs that prepare secondary and postsecondary students for employment, for higher education leading to employment, and for lifelong learning. A complete array of academic and related programs is provided to support career and technical education programs. In addition, essential skills such as ethics and other “soft skills” are taught.
The school serves both full and shared-time students in grades nine through twelve. Shared-time students participate in career and technical education programs for a half-day and attend their resident high school for academic and related instructional programs during the other half of the day. Full-time students attend the Career and Technical High School for the entire day and receive full academic, as well as career and technical instruction.
The mission of the Salem County Vocational Technical School District is to prepare students for employment, for further education leading to employment, and for lifelong learning.